  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Provides access to the current stack context and project configuration.




autoConfirmEnabled: boolean

No confirmation to operations is asked if auto-confirm is enabled.

awsClientProvider: AwsClientProvider

AWS client provider.

confidentialValuesLoggingEnabled: boolean

Log confidential information during operations.

credentialManager: CredentialManager

Credential manager that provides access to AWS credentials used to invoke the current operation.

credentials?: Credentials

Credentials used to invoke the current operation.

iamGeneratePoliciesInstructionsEnabled: boolean

Show command to generate IAM policies.

logLevel: LogLevel

Logging level.

outputFormat: OutputFormat

Output format.

projectConfig: TakomoProjectConfig

Project configuration.

projectDir: string

Current project directory containing configuration files.

quiet: boolean

Suppress all logging but the actual command results.

regions: readonly string[]

Supported AWS regions.

resetCache: boolean

Reset cache before executing operation.

statisticsEnabled: boolean

Show statistics collected during operations.

templateEngine: TemplateEngine

Template engine instance.

variables: Variables

Variables available in operations.


  • getStackByExactPath(path: string, stackGroupPath?: string): Stack
  • Return a stack by exact path or throw an error if no stack is found. The stack path can be relative if stackGroupPath is given.


    • path: string
    • Optional stackGroupPath: string

    Returns Stack

  • getStacksByPath(path: string, stackGroupPath?: string): readonly Stack[]
  • Return 0 or more stacks by path. The stack path can be relative if stackGroupPath is given.


    • path: string
    • Optional stackGroupPath: string

    Returns readonly Stack[]

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