📄️ Introduction
Sometimes static configuration files and templates are not enough to solve the real-life problems we might face. To help overcome those trickier challenges and avoid tedious and error-prone manual work, Takomo supports dynamic templating with Handlebars.
📄️ Handlebars syntax
Here's a short guide to Handlebars syntax. For more information, consult the official Handlebars documentation.
📄️ Environment variables
System environment variables are exposed via the env variable.
📄️ Command-line variables
You can pass variables from command line using --var and --var-file options. Both options can be used multiple times. Variables are exposed via var variable.
📄️ Partials
Each file in the partials directory or its subdirectory can be used as a Handlebars partial.
📄️ Helpers
Handlebars helpers are plain JavaScript functions you can invoke from your stack group and stack configuration, and template files.
📄️ Available variables
You can use variables in stack and stack group configuration files and stack template files. Each of them has a different set of variables available.