From Takomo 4.x to 5.x
Takomo 5.0 is a maintenance release with a few breaking changes. Upgrading from 4.x should be straightforward in most cases.
Breaking changes
Here are the breaking changes introduced in Takomo 5.0.
Require Nodejs 16.17.0
Nodejs 16.17.0 is now required to run Takomo. This change makes it possible to keep upgrading project dependencies to their latest versions in the future.
Required actions
Upgrade your Nodejs to version 16.17.0 or later.
Changes to public API
The following breaking changes to public API were introduced in order to enable just in time assuming of command roles, and to hide details of internal API.
Changes to Stack interface
function was removed because it exposes internal API- Use
function that returns native AWS SDK client instead
- Use
property was removed because it didn't allow assuming command roles only when needed- Use
function instead
- Use
If your project has custom parameter resolvers or hooks that use Stack, you need to go through your code and make the necessary changes.
Changes to CommandContext interface
property was removed because it exposes internal API- Use native AWS SDK clients instead
Required actions
If your project has custom parameter resolvers or hooks that use CommandContext, you need to go through your code and make the necessary changes.