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Template bucket

By default, the maximum size for a CloudFormation template file is 51,200 bytes. Using larger template files, up to 460,800 bytes, requires that you upload them to an S3 bucket before deployment.

You use the templateBucket property to instruct Takomo to upload template files to a specific S3 bucket before the deployment. The bucket must exist.

The templateBucket property is an object with two properties: name and keyPrefix. The former is required and used to specify the bucket's name, and the latter is optional and specifies the object key prefix under which Takomo uploads the templates files.


Specifying a template bucket with a key prefix:

name: my-bucket
keyPrefix: template-files/

Specifying a template bucket with just a name:

name: hello-bucket

Usage in configuration

templateBucket property can be defined in:

  • stack group configuration files
  • blueprint configuration files
  • stack configuration files

Stack group config file

When templateBucket property is defined in a stack group configuration file:

  • its value completely overrides the value inherited from the parent stack group
  • its value is inherited by stack groups and stacks that belong under the stack group

Blueprint config file

When templateBucket property is defined in a blueprint configuration file:

  • its value completely overrides the value inherited from the parent stack group
  • its value is inherited by stacks that extend the blueprint

Stack config file

When templateBucket property is defined in a stack configuration file:

  • if the stack extends a blueprint, its value completely overrides the value inherited from the blueprint
  • otherwise, its value completely overrides the value inherited from the parent stack group


The templateBucket property must satisfy these requirements:

  • Name must be a valid S3 bucket name
  • Key prefix must be a valid S3 object key prefix