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Externalize target configuration

As the number of deployment targets grows, the size of the deployment configuration file might become unwieldy. You can externalize the deployment target configurations outside the deployment configuration file to make the deployment configuration file more manageable. To do this, you need to define the deployment target repository in a takomo.yml file located in your project's root directory.

There are two target repository implementations:

Load deployment targets from the filesystem

This target repository loads deployment target configurations from a specified directory. To enable it, you need to add the following configuration to the takomo.yml file.

type: filesystem
dir: <path to a directory with the target configurations>
inferDeploymentGroupPathFromDirName: <boolean>
inferDeploymentTargetNameFromFileName: <boolean>

The type property specifies that the target repository of type filesystem should be used to load the external targets configuration. The dir property specifies the file path to the directory from where to load the configurations. The file path can be absolute or relative to the project's root directory. Finally, the inferDeploymentGroupPathFromDirName property instructs Takomo to infer the target's deployment group from the name of the directory where the target's configuration file is located.

Takomo will look for .yml files from the specified directory and its subdirectories. You can name the files as you wish. Each file must contain a valid configuration for one deployment target. The configuration format is the same as if the target's configuration was given in the deployment configuration file. The only difference is that unless you set inferDeploymentGroupPathFromDirName to true, you need to specify the target's deployment group with a deploymentGroupPath property. All deployment groups referred in the external configuration files must be defined in the deployment configuration file, too.


Let's continue with our example and see how to externalize the deployment targets to a separate directory.

First, we specify that we want to load configuration for our deployment targets from a my-targets directory located in our project's root directory.

type: filesystem
dir: my-targets

Next, we extract the configuration for each of our target to separate files located in the my-targets directory.

deploymentGroupPath: all/shared
name: infra
deploymentRole: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ExampleAdmin
labels: others
deploymentGroupPath: all/application/dev
name: dev-environment
accountId: "222244446666"
labels: app
deploymentGroupPath: all/application/dev
name: sandbox
accountId: "111133335555"
labels: others
deploymentGroupPath: all/application/prod
name: prod-environment
accountId: "333355557777"
labels: app

As you can see, each deployment target specifies the deployment group where the target belongs to.

After our changes, the deployment configuration file looks like this:

cost-center: 12345
budget: 2000

targetsSchema: budget

configSets: security
all/shared: {}
configSets: networking
targetsSchema: environment
deploymentRoleName: deployer
all/application/dev: {}
all/application/prod: {}

And this is how our file system looks like:

├─ templates
├─ config-sets
│ ├─ networking
│ │ ├─ private
│ │ │ └─ tgw.yml
│ │ └─ public
│ │ └─ load-balancer.yml
│ └─ security
│ ├─ config.yml
│ └─ audit.yml
├─ deployment
│ └─ targets.yml
└─ my-targets
├─ infra.yml
├─ dev-environment.yml
├─ sandbox.yml
└─ prod-environment.yml

Infer deployment group from a directory name

As mentioned earlier, you can use the inferDeploymentGroupPathFromDirName property to instruct Takomo to infer the target's deployment group from the name of the directory where the target's configuration file is located. If you choose to use this option, you need to have a directory structure that mirrors your deployment group hierarchy. As a benefit, you can omit the deploymentGroupPath property from the target files.


Alright, let's convert our example to use the inferDeploymentGroupPathFromDirName property.

type: filesystem
dir: my-targets
inferDeploymentGroupPathFromDirName: true

The deployment configuration file deployment/targets.yml stays the same but we need to create a directory structure that mirrors our deployment groups under the my-targets directory and move the target files to correct subdirectories.

├─ templates
├─ config-sets
│ ├─ networking
│ │ ├─ private
│ │ │ └─ tgw.yml
│ │ └─ public
│ │ └─ load-balancer.yml
│ └─ security
│ ├─ config.yml
│ └─ audit.yml
├─ deployment
│ └─ targets.yml
└─ my-targets
└─ all
├─ shared
│ └─ infra.yml
└─ application
├─ dev
│ ├─ dev-environment.yml
│ └─ sandbox.yml
└─ prod
└─ prod-environment.yml

We can then remove the deploymentGroupPath property from the target files.

Infer deployment targets' names from names of their config files

You can use the inferDeploymentTargetNameFromFileName property to instruct Takomo to infer targets' names from the names of their configuration files. You can then omit the name property from the target files.

The target name is inferred by removing the .yml file extension from the target's configuration file name.


Let's add inferDeploymentTargetNameFromFileName to our example.

type: filesystem
dir: my-targets
inferDeploymentGroupPathFromDirName: true
inferDeploymentTargetNameFromFileName: true

Then just remove the name property from configuration files of our targets.

Load deployment targets from AWS organization

This target repository loads deployment target configurations from an AWS organization. It scans all organization's member accounts and creates one deployment target for each account. To enable it, you need to add the following configuration to the takomo.yml file.

type: organization
id: <id of repository>
cache: <boolean>
organizationReaderRoleArn: <path to a directory with the target configurations>
inferDeploymentGroupPathFromOUPath: <boolean>
inferDeploymentTargetNameFromAccountName: <boolean>

The type property specifies that the target repository of type organization should be used to load the external targets configuration. The organizationReaderRoleArn property specifies which IAM role Takomo should assume to query organization's member accounts. If no role is specified, Takomo uses AWS credentials found from the current terminal session.

The id property identifies the repository and is used in caching. It's mandatory but you can choose the value as you wish.

The cache property specifies if Takomo should cache the AWS accounts it loads from AWS organization. It's recommended to enable caching to speed up the configuration loading phase. Cached files are stored in .takomo.cache directory. To reset the cache, you can remove the cached files or run a deployment targets command with --reset-cache flag.

By default, Takomo infers a target's deployment group from the organizational unit where the member account belongs to. You can turn off this feature by setting false to inferDeploymentGroupPathFromOUPath property, but then all targets will have same deployment group ROOT.

By default, ROOT becomes the root deployment group but you can change this by specifying root deployment group path in rootDeploymentGroupPath property.

By default, Takomo infers a target's name from the member account's name. You can turn off this feature by setting false to inferDeploymentTargetNameFromAccountName property, but then Takomo uses account's id as target name.

All deployment groups referred in the external configuration files must be defined in the deployment configuration file, too.

Loading deployment targets from multiple repositories

You can load deployment targets from multiple repositories by providing a list of repositories in takomo.yml file, like so:

- type: organization
id: My-Org-A
organizationReaderRoleArn: arn:aws:iam::123456789013:role/org-reader
- type: organization
id: My-Org-B
organizationReaderRoleArn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/org-reader

In the example above, we have two organization repositories. Takomo iterates over the repositories in the order they are defined in the configuration file and each repository loads its targets. Takomo uses targets' name property to identify targets. Targets with the same name are merged into one and targets loaded later can override properties of previously loaded targets.

When using multiple repositories, each repository must have id property.