📄️ Built-in parameter resolversYou can use parameter resolvers to resolve values for stack parameters at deployment time. Takomo has a few built-in parameter resolvers, and you can also implement your own.
📄️ Stack output resolverStack output resolver reads the parameter value from a stack output of another stack configured within the same Takomo project. The source stack automatically becomes the target stack's dependency. Takomo reads the output value using the credentials associated with the source stack.
📄️ External stack output resolverThe external stack output resolver reads the parameter value from a stack output of a stack. The source stack does not have to belong to the same Takomo project as the target stack.
📄️ Command resolverThe command resolver executes a specified shell command and uses the command output as a parameter value.
📄️ File contents resolverThe file contents resolver reads a file and uses the file contents as a parameter value.
📄️ SSM parameter resolverThe SSM parameter resolver reads parameter values from SSM parameter store. The parameter can be encrypted.
📄️ Secret resolverThe secret parameter resolver reads parameter values from secrets stored in Secrets Manager.
📄️ Custom parameter resolversYou can provide custom parameter resolvers by placing plain JavaScript files, with .js file extension, into the resolvers directory. Each file must export a parameter resolver provider object. Takomo uses the provider to initialize the actual parameter resolver.