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Stack policy

You specify a stack policy with the stackPolicy property. It accepts a string or an object.


Setting a stack policy as a string:

stackPolicy: |
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"NotAction": "Update:Delete",
"Principal": "*",
"Resource": "*"

Setting a stack policy as an object:

- Effect: Allow
NotAction: Update:Delete
Principal: "*"
Resource: "*"

Stack policy during update

You specify a stack policy to use during stack update with the stackPolicyDuringUpdate property. It works the same way as the stackPolicy property.


Setting a stack policy to use during the stack update as an object:

- Effect: Allow
Action: Update:*
Principal: "*"
Resource: "*"

Deleting stack policy

CloudFormation doesn't support removing of a stack policy once it has been created. As a workaround, when you remove the stack policy from the stack configuration, Takomo updates the policy with the allow all policy shown below, which is essentially equivalent to not having a stack policy attached at all.

allow all stack policy
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "Update:*",
"Principal": "*",
"Resource": "*"

Where to define

The stackPolicy and stackPolicyDuringUpdate properties can be defined in stack and stack group configuration files. If specified in a stack group, the stack group's children and stacks inherit the value. Stack groups and stacks can overwrite the policies they inherited from their parent.


The stackPolicy and stackPolicyDuringUpdate properties must satisfy these requirements:

  • Must be a valid JSON document